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Why Peru?
The Opportunity in Peru
Peru is an established mining region which hosts significant mineral resources. In addition to substantial precious and base metal resources, Peru is considered a low cost producer of key mineral commodities due to the typically high-grade resources and relatively low-cost operating environment.

Recent Transaction Activity
Due to recent exploration success in both Peru and Ecuador at a time where large resources are becoming harder to discover in other parts of the world, the North Andean region is experiencing increased interest by major mining companies. A summary of recent transactions is outlined in a Map of the North Andean World-Class Mineral Provinces, developed by Fidelity Minerals. In order to View Map, click here.
Regulatory Environment
Strong support and national emphasis on mining as >60% of Peru’s exports come from mining (~US$25 billion/yr).
Peru ranks highly in Latin America & globally as a leader in mined commodities (see chart, right).
Member of Andean Community & APEC. 17 Free Trade Agreements, including with Canada.
LatAm leader or high performer in GDP growth, low inflation, investment rating (2nd) and foreign investment.
Improving and flexible mining & environmental regulatory regime.
Foreign investment encouraged in progressive investment environment:
Government guarantees stability on income tax regulation and dividend distribution on DFI entry.
Zero discrimination between national and foreign companies.
No restrictions on:
Repatriation of earnings.
Currency exchange practices.
Remittance of dividends, interest or royalties.
International transfers of capital.
Small Scale Mining Sector (Peru)
Long (pre-European) history of precious metals production & trading: deep narrow vein mining skills among artisanal miners.
Peruvian government regulated: small scale mining sector represents ~20% of all Peruvian gold production (~US$2.6 billion, 2016).