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Sunsets Project - BC

  • The Sunsets Project has been Optioned from Standard Drilling & Engineering Ltd. on October 11th, 2024

  • Standard has granted Fidelity the sole and exclusive right and option (the “Option”) to acquire a 50% interest, with a right to increase to 100%, in the Sunsets Projects (a.k.a. El Toro East project ) located in the Omineca Mining Division south of Smithers, British Columbia (“BC”).

  • The Sunsets Project features numerous BC Minfile occurrences that reflect porphyry Cu-Mo-Au mineralization and numerous other mineralization styles.


The Sunsets Project consists of:  
  • The Sunsets Project comprises 24 mineral claims totalling 10,317 Ha located in the Telkwa Range (Hazelton Mountains) east of the north-flowing Howson Creek drainage.


Strategic Interest
  • The Sunsets project provides Fidelity Minerals with a strong foundation to establish substantial resource inventory in the region south of Smithers in British Columbia, Canada.

  • The Project offers the Company the option of raising Flow-through and Strategic Mineral incentive financing.


Historical Geological Mineral Workings and Showings
  • The Project covers several areas of known mineralization (including some 29 BC Minfile occurrences - see LABELLED DIAMONDS, Figure 1) associated with and adjacent to / distal from the Bulkley plutonic suite Sunsets (quartz-monzonite porphyry) Stock. The Sunsets Stock hosts showings of Cu-Mo-Au-Ag over some 2 km by 3 km, to the northwest of which lie the Cu-Ag±Au polymetallic veins of the Hunter prospect. NE of the Sunsets Stock lie certain Hankin Basin prospect showings of stratiform and cross-fracture hosted Cu-Au-Ag mineralization in andesitic volcanics. Mineralization has also been identified south of the mapped Sunsets Stock comprising polymetallic veins in volcaniclastic and mafic intrusive units, comprising the Dominion Basin prospect.

  • Sunsets Stock:  The 2 by 3 km sized Sunsets Stock and its surrounding hornfelsed pyrite gossan aureole reflect in a 2007 airborne magnetic survey outlining a classic porphyry style donut shaped magnetic low within the Stock, inferred as possible magnetite destruction by hydrothermal alteration. The Fog and Fly prospects represent two 200m diameter phyllic zones stratigraphically above potassic alteration and have been the focus of historical exploration. Favourable areas within the Stock lie within a >500 ppm Cu soil anomaly just west of the Fly showing and north towards Glacis Basin and within a >500 ppm Cu soil anomaly to the northwest of the Fog showing, which have not been followed up. No systematic sampling has been undertaken in Glacis Basin with no rock sampling within the west Fly copper soil anomaly. The northwest Fog copper soil anomaly would be amenable to IP geophysics to delineate drill targets. Prior sampling along the northern margin of the Stock at Glacis and Rainbow 1 (separated by about 2 km) returned showings of 0.57% Cu (and 0.002 and 0.06% Mo) in historical micro-veined porphyritic samples.

  • Hunter Basin (NNW of Sunsets):  Fissure veins and fracture fillings hosted in andesitic pyroclastics, flows and epiclastics host chalcocite, tetrahedrite with lesser chalcopyrite to the north and pyrite, bornite, chalcopyrite and magnetite moving southward. Veins primarily trend northeast to easterly, dipping steeply southeast and commonly follow dykes, fractures and shear zones in the volcanic host rocks. The King, Rainbow and Colorado were small past producing mines, operating primarily between 1914 and 1941.

  • Combined production from the King and Rainbow mines between 1914 and 1962 totalled 293.5 tonnes producing 8,533g Au, 294,905g Ag, and 44,357 kg copper. In 1914 38 tonnes of ore were shipped from the Colorado mine recovering 155,515g Ag and 2,722 kg Cu. A 2008 airborne electromagnetic survey delineated several northeast trending anomalies that suggest continuity to sulphide mineralization along the structures.

  • Hankin Basin (NE from Sunsets):  Mineralization occurs in permeable stratiform horizons within andesite tuffs and in cross fractures, crosscutting rhyolite dykes and stockwork-breccia zones and has been traced for 5 km along strike and 2 km along a shallow dipping zone featuring numerous small adits. At Loring three mineralized horizons each up to 1.5m wide occur within a 20m wide zone with historical assays averaging 65.14 g/t Ag with 0.45 to 3.12% Cu and <0.25 g/t Au. The best mineralization encountered in more recent exploration to the north of the Loring showing was identified in the central portion between the Loring and Old Tom showings, at a prominent bend in Loring Creek (Hankin showing). More than half of the samples collected from this area, which was explored in 2015, returned greater than 0.1% to 3.6% Cu. A third of the samples returned greater than 20 to 89.1 g/t Ag and 20% of the samples carried greater than 0.3 to 3.4 g/t Au. Similar stratiform mineralization to the Loring showing is exposed at Crater Lake, 1 km west of central Loring Creek. The average assay from previous chip sampling across a 24.3m cliff section at Marmot, 500m southwest of Crater Lake, is 4.3% Cu and 109.71 g/t Ag.

  • Dominion Basin (S and SW of Sunsets):  Mineralization dominantly comprises polymetallic quartz-sulphide veins and fracture fillings / disseminations, and is primarily hosted by mafic volcanic and epiclastic rocks. Sulphide minerals include chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, galena and bornite in N and NE trending veins radiating outboard of the Sunsets Stock. The 35ºW dipping Friendly quartz-carbonate-sulphide vein at Deny North showing yielded an average of 70.2 g/t Ag and 2.21 g/t Au along 8.5m of the vein in 1981, which is exposed for 15m in the Friendly Trench and sampling in 2008 returned 9.52 g/t Au, 180 g/t Ag, 1.68% Cu, 15.7% Zn and 0.95% Pb across 1.0m. There does not appear to have been extensive work in this area to trace the vein and additional veins are suggested by the discovery of gold-bearing quartz carbonate float in upper Hankin Basin, east of the Sunsets Stock (39.6 g/t Au, 300 ppm Ag, 7.3% Pb, 8.4% Zn, 0.31% Cu from 5 cm vein).

  • Additional narrow, high grade veins occur at the Sunset showing south of Sunsets Creek: one is 0.35m wide and trends 030º/60ºSE with reported values of 18.8% Cu, 946 g/t Ag and 1.03 g/t Au. The 2008 airborne geophysical survey identified two electromagnetic high anomalies, one coincident with a magnetic low, in the Denys Creek area, about 2 and 3.5 km south of the Sunset adit. The anomalies may be indicative of additional high sulphide veins outboard of the Sunsets Stock. Further HLEM electromagnetic geophysics could be used to trace the polymetallic quartz-sulphide vein development radiating from the Stock.

Sunsets Project litho-tectonic location
  • Located in the Stikinia Terrane of the Western Canadian BC-Yukon tectonic assembly, the Sunsets project is located east of Prince Rupert and due south of Smither, British Columbia.

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Sunsets Project historical geophysics
  • Project airborne magnetics display what appears to represent near-textbook "magnetite destruction" haloes over a very wide area.

Sunsets Project historical prospects and small production locations
  • Twenty-nine Minfile and small producer locations indicate broad potential for Qtz-Monzonite porphyry stock-driven mineralization across a three by five km area.

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Hunter Prospect historical prospects and small production locations​
Sunsets Prospect Quartz Monzonite stock - widely separated porphyry Cu mineralization
Hankin Basin Prospect - high grade base and precious metals showing over 2km strike
Transaction Terms
FMN can acquire 100% of the Sunsets Project in two stages:
  • Stage 1: Option to JV – initial Project earn-in to 50%

(i)  paying Standard an aggregate of $300,000

a)    $25,000 on signing, b)  $125,000 on completion of due diligence (November 15, 2024) and c)  $150,000 on or by October 10, 2025; and

(ii)  incurring $1,000,000 in Exploration Expenditures

a)    $500,000 by September 30, 2025; and b)    $500,000 by September 30, 2026; and

(iii)  issuing to Standard 5,000,000 shares of Fidelity by December 15, 2024


  • Fidelity has until November 15th, 2024 to complete its due diligence review of the Sunsets Project

  • Upon the exercise of the Option, the parties may enter into a participating joint venture (“JV”), with Fidelity as the initial operator of the JV


  • Stage 2: Right to go to 100% by:

(i)  paying to Standard an aggregate of $300,000

a)    $150,000 within three (3) months of the notice to Standard to earn-in to 100%  of the JV (the “Notice”); and

b)    $150,000 on or before fifteen (15) months after the Notice; and

(ii)  incurring $1,000,000 in Exploration Expenditures over the 24-month period after the Notice; and

(iii)  within 60 days of the Notice issuing to Standard $250,000 in shares of Fidelity (valued on the 20-day VWAP directly following the Notice)


  • Vendor (Standard Drilling and Engineering)  will retain a 2% net smelter return royalty (“NSR”) on the Sunsets Project

    • entitled to receive advance royalty payments under the NSR commencing two years after the first month after the JV has been formed

    • being $25,000 for the first two (2) years and $50,000 for each year thereafter

    • FMN can buy-down half of the NSR for $1,000,000 at any time prior to the commencement of commercial production

    • remaining portion of NSR can be purchased during the ensuing 3-year period for $4,000,000 (less advance royalty payments)

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