Las Huaquillas Project - Peru
The Core Las Huaquillas project has undergone extensive historically defined exploration since the late 1980’s.
Five significant mineralized zones have been identified at the project as follows: (i) Los Socavones, (ii) El Huabo, (iii) Las Huaquillas, (iv) Cementerio and (v) San Antonio.
A historical gold resource* was reported in 1998.
Historical drilling has identified two copper porphyries with significant mineralization, and potential to define substantial resource.
Fidelity Minerals is consolidating the ownership of the Greater Las Huaquillas Project.
The Las Huaquillas project consists of:
9 concessions for approximately 3,600 Ha that host the historical mineralisation (Core Las Huaquillas) of which Fidelity Minerals Corp. has acquired a 50% interest.
Strategic Interest
The Las Huaquillas project provides Fidelity Minerals with a strong foundation to establish substantial resource inventory in the northern Cajamarca district, of Northern Peru.​
Historical Geological Resource
In 1998, Sulliden estimated that a 500 m section of the 2,200 m long Los Socavones Zone hosts a geological resource* of 6.57 Mt grading 2.12 g/t Au and 25.2 g/t Ag; equivalent to 446,000 ounces of goldand 5.3 million ounces of silver at a 1 g/t Au cut-off.
The resource was reported to remain open at depth and along strike. This historic resource, based on 10 drill holes and 20 mineralized intercepts, was estimated by Sulliden to a depth of only 200m.
A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves. Fidelity is not treating the historical estimates as current mineral resources. The Company has not conducted any work to establish the relevance & reliability of the historical resource estimate. There has not been sufficient drilling and/or sufficient previous exploration at Las Huaquillas upon which to base a current mineral resource or mineral reserve estimate compliant to the standards of National Instrument 43-101. It should be noted that the historical resource related information outlined has been derived from: “NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Las Huaquillas Au, Ag, Cu Property, Cajamarca, Peru”, with an effective date of December 18, 2021, authored by Luc Pigeon, B.Sc., M. Sc., P. Geo, who is an independent and qualified person under National Instrument 43-101. The historical estimate is based upon Gariepy and Vachon (both registered in 1999) and the estimate was performed using the vertical longitudinal section method including seventeen mineralized intersections where a specific gravity of 2.8 g/cm3 and a cut-off grade of 1.0 g/t Au over a minimum width of 3 metres were applied. Gariepy & Vachon (1999) disclosed what they term a “geological resource” which is not a category accepted by prevailing disclosure standards, and at best corresponds to an Inferred Resource in today’s nomenclature. The work did not estimate the zinc, lead or copper contained within the Socavones zone. No more recent estimates or data is available to the issuer; at a minimum, several holes would need to be twinned, and certain historical intercepts re-assayed, to verify the historical estimate as a current mineral resource. For clarity, a qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as a current mineral resources or mineral reserve, and the Company is not treating the historical estimate as a current mineral resource or mineral reserve.​
NI 43-101 Technical Report
View and download the December, 2021 dated NI 43-101 document here

Greater Las Huaquillas (GLH) Project - Regional Setting

Recent Regional Transaction Activity
The discovery of the world-class Alpala deposit in northern Ecuador, has confirmed the metallogenic Andean mineral belts of Chile and southern Peru indeed extend further north than was previously believed. As these mineral belts host approximately half the world’s known copper resources, global mining companies have been frantically transacting in project interests to secure positions in this emerging and highly prospective mining province.
A summary of recent transactions is outlined in a Map of the North Andean World-Class Mineral Provinces, developed by Fidelity Minerals.

Core Las Huaquillas (CLH) Project - Background
Geological Setting
The Greater Las Huaquillas (GLH) Project:
Is located in the Miocene Metallogenic Belt (“MMB”).
Comprises a comprehensive segment of the continental Andean Copper Belt, and MMB extends over 900km through Peru & Ecuador.
GLH is ranged over a large caldera structure, displays extensive / pervasive evidence of large scale mineralizing fluid pathways.
The caldera superimposes late, radial structure on:
Andean district & regional, broadly coast paralleling megastructures.
Subduction-related, large crustal dislocations normal to Andean megastructures: the “Huancabamba Deflection”.
The Core Las Huaquillas (CLH) Project:
Comprises the western flank of the caldera structure.
Includes high & low sulphidation epithermal, and mineralized porphyry systems.
Benefits from extensive historic surface, drilling and underground work.
Includes extensive alteration and mineral enriched systems proven in underground, drill and surface sampling campaigns over large area.​

Core Las Huaquillas (CLH) Project - Historical Exploration
In 1997 and 1998, Sulliden carried out an integrated two phase exploration program including; line cutting, geophysics, soil, stream, rock geochemical and geological surveys, and 26 diamond drill holes were drilled by Sulliden, for a total of 5,671m. The gold-silver epithermal mineralization discovered along the Socavones trend was followed for at least 2.1 kilometres via geophysics, soil and rock sampling and drilling.

Major Mineralized Zones of the CLH
Extensive mineralisation identified along Los Socavones Zone (LSZ).

Soil Geochemical Sampling
During the1997-1998 exploration campaigns, Sulliden performed a range of exploration activities including extensive soil geochemical sampling.
The Phase-1 (1997) mapping was based on 601 samples and identified areas anomalous in both gold and/or copper (see maps, right).
Following the success of Phase-1 mapping, 840 samples were taken during Phase-2 to further refine the distribution of copper and gold mineralization.
The soil sampling, together with geophysics, assisted Sulliden identify:
a 2.1 km long structurally-controlled Au-Ag anomalous corridor named Los Socavones.
two porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au targets named Cementerio and San Antonio.
two epithermal Au, Ag prospects named El Huabo, and Las Huaquillas.

Core Las Huaquillas (CLH) Project - Historic Drill Results

Core Las Huaquillas (CLH) Project - Selected Drill Sections
Historic Drill Results
The historic drill results provide evidence of extensive and pervasive large-scale mineralizing fluid pathways across the CLH project area.

Greater Las Huaquillas (GLH) Project - Expansion
Strategic Project Footprint
Fidelity Minerals expanded project footprint from 3,600 Ha to 7,400 Ha by staking contiguous concessions on a 100% basis. Developing appraisal plan.

Greater Las Huaquillas (GLH) Project - Next Steps
Current Focus
Since acquiring an initial interest in the Las Huaquillas project in late 2018, Fidelity Minerals has acquired detailed project information, and has assembled a comprehensive project GIS database.
Fidelity Minerals intends to add select information and data using contemporary techniques in order to modernize presentation and potential for the project. Interested parties are encouraged to register their interest by contacting Fidelity Minerals through the Contact Us page.