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Cerro Dorado - Overview
Fidelity Minerals currently owns 100% of the Cerro Dorado Project.
On 2 October 2019, Fidelity Minerals announced the sale of Cerro Dorado for US$1,430,000. For more information, read announcement​.
The Cerro Dorado project consists of:
Full service 45 person camp with accommodation, catering, office and storage facilities.
Recently built 45 TPD CIP plant, with permitted expansion up to 115 TPD and new 60 TPD flotation circuit.
Rey Salomon gold mine adjacent to the plant (100% FMN).
Strategic Location
Cerro Dorado is located in the mining district of Caraveli, Arequipa, 700km south of Lima in the prolific mining Province of Caraveli.
Cerro Dorado provides Fidelity Minerals with a platform to process high grade ore on an “owned” or “tolling” basis.​

Cerro Dorado - CIP Plant
Plant Overview
A typical CIP circuit including crushing, milling and leaching all currently in place.
The Cerro Dorado plant is located proximal to a region with abundant high grade gold resources.
Plant is capable of processing 45 TPD as-is and is currently permitted to 115 TPD.
Fidelity Minerals has filed permit applications for expansion to 115 TPD, including a new flotation circuit.
The filing is pre-permitted under the formerly open IGAC process.
Currently IGAC approved to 115 TPD, expandable to 350 TPD under small mining permit
Cerro Dorado fully permitted for operation under Formalization Code (No. 040010692)
Proposed flotation circuit would add to efficiencies in sulphide Au recovery, further improving profitability.
Permitted water well with adequate supply on site.
No communities exist within 45km of the Cerro Dorado plant.​

Cerro Dorado - Rey Salomon Mine
Mine Overview
Rey Salomon gold mine adjacent to the Cerro Dorado plant.
The mine has recorded historic sales of:
1,675 t @ 11.80 g/t Au (since 2012)
670 t @ 15.23 g/t Au (OFIR development, 2007)
The Rey Salomon mine is fully permitted and produced mineral as recently as May 2016.
The Rey Salomon mine and adjoining 1,172 hectares of claims could provide base feedstock for the plant.
Existing underground development includes:
1,246m in 27 drifts
~ 400m in 18 raises
~ 317m in 14 adits
~ 48 open faces
Only 5 out of 32 identified veins observed at surface have developed workings.
A potential feedstock option for Cerro Dorado.
Download the Technical Report 43-101 (Rey Salomon)

Cerro Dorado - Strategic Location
Strategic Regional Location
Cerro Dorado is located in the mining district of Caraveli, Arequipa, 42 km up the Atico Valley, mostly via highway.
Historical production in the vicinity (<20km) of Cerro Dorado exceeds 500,000oz of Au with substantial additional regional resources.
Extensive regional mineralisation, is being exploited by typically small-scale mining operations.
There are no competing formal toll mills in the valley where Cerro Dorado is located (see map, right).
Cerro Dorado enjoys a significant location advantage for local miners vs. the toll milling centres in Chala and Nazca (130km & 290km away, respectively).
Local miners could save up to $40/T in transport costs by processing feedstock at the Cerro Dorado plant, compared to transporting ore out of the Atico valley.
Fidelity Minerals estimates in excess of 500 TPD of high-grade ore is being transported (at significant cost) past Cerro Dorado, destined for toll mills in Chala and Nazca.
Much of the regional production has desirable gold recovery characteristics; coarse gold is uncommon.

Cerro Dorado - JV & Consolidation to Unlock Value
Significant Opportunity
Numerous mining concessions and small producers surround the Cerro Dorado plant (see green claims on map, right).
Despite significant regional mineralisation, identified resources are typically of insufficient size or lack permitting for on-site processing.
The limited monetisation options provide Fidelity Minerals with an opportunity to either process high-grade ore either on an “owned” (own mine) or “tolling” basis.
The strategic location of Cerro Dorado is well suited to either acquire stranded projects as a source of feedstock, or to structure joint ventures in the Atico valley and surrounds.

Greater Cerro Dorado Region - Business Model
Stranded Mineral Resources
Resources & production with limited monetization options.
High-grade production typically 5-30g/T Au.

Unlocking Value
The Cerro Dorado plant:
Is the only permitted processing plant in the region.
Enables Fidelity Minerals Corp. to acquire stranded projects on attractive terms.
Provides the opportunity to process high grade ore on an “owned” or “tolling” basis.
Plant Throughput
At the maximum permitted capacity (115 TPD), the CD plant has the potential to produce 1,600oz/month (@16g/T Au).